K-12 Curriculum Supplements



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Download Ch 1: Nature of Science (206 KB)

Download Ch 2: Biology as a Science (388 KB)

Download Ch 3: Biochemistry (215 KB)

Download Ch 4: Cells - Structure and Function (11.7 MB)

Download Ch 5: DNA (3.5 MB)

Download Ch 6: Genetics (1.3 MB)

Download Ch 7: Diversity of Life (2.9 MB)

Download Ch 8: Ecology (2.0 MB)

Download Ch 9: Evolution (743 KB)

Download Ch 10: Human Body (1.1 MB)

Download Ch 11: Social Issues in Biology (178 KB)

Download Ch 12: Biotechnology (179 KB)

Document Type

Activity and Lab


The intent of the BIOMES materials is to provide biology teachers with resources and strategies that will generate interest and enthusiasm among students and teachers for the study of biology. So there you have it—Biology Instructional Opportunities for Motivating Every Student (BIOMES). The study of biology should provide individuals with understandings that prepare them to make more intelligent decisions on processing issues. It should provide students with insights that make the interpretation of events in their environment more meaningful.

The format of the teaching strategies employed in the BIOMES program is designed to attract the student's interest in a phenomena, have the student learn a basic relationship and then apply these relationships in new situations. This strategy is a model used to help develop reasoning skills in our students. Concrete learners need introductory experiences such that they experience mental encounters that challenge them to do their own reasoning to find patterns. Teacher lectures and discussions without appropriate student involvement often stimulate only memorization. The activities in this guide provide thought-provoking activities organized around the topics typically covered in high school biology. However, the teacher should feel free to add other learning experiences or alter these to fit the interests and needs of the local students. However, we strongly recommend adhering to the learning cycle format of exploratory activities, concept development and application experiences.


Science Education Program

Original Date


Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License



File Format


BIOMES (Biology Instructional Opportunities for Motivating Every Student)



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