Iowa Waste Reduction Center Book Gallery
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The Iowa Air Emissions Assistance Program (IAEAP) at the Iowa Waste Reduction Center (IWRC), supported by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR), is pleased to present the 2016-2017 Environmental Recordkeeping Calendar for Dry Cleaning Facilities. The use of hazardous chemicals in the dry cleaning process, including perchloroethylene (commonly known as perc), can pose safety and environmental concerns if not managed appropriately. In an effort to minimize these concerns state and federal regulations are in place that may apply to your facility. These regulations have been developed to ensure your business operations will not unexpectedly harm the environment or individuals. The use of this calendar will assist you in implementing and tracking your business's efforts to comply with hazardous waste regulations and the Environmental Protection Agency’s National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for dry cleaners (40 CFR Part 63 Subpart M). NESHAP records must be kept at your facility for 5 years and the hazardous waste records for 3 years. The calendar will allow you to: • Record results of required leak checks and equipment monitoring; • Maintain records for refrigerated condensers and adsorbers; • Track perc purchases and annual usage; • Document monthly hazardous waste generation; and • Organize and document compliance in the event of a DNR or EPA inspection. While this calendar is not inclusive of all environmental regulations that may apply to your facility, it will serve as a good starting point for tracking important information related to environmental compliance.
Dry cleaning industry--Environmental aspects;
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Iowa Waste Reduction Center
Cedar Falls, IA
Iowa Waste Reduction Center
Environmental Sciences
Object Description
1 PDF file (54 pages)
Date Digital
©2016 Iowa Waste Reduction Center
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Recommended Citation
Iowa Waste Reduction Center and Iowa. Department of Natural Resources, "Environmental Recordkeeping Calendar for Drycleaning Facilities" (2016). Iowa Waste Reduction Center Book Gallery. 10.
This is an Open Access book.