Home > Iowa Academy of Science > Journals & Newsletters > Iowa Science Teachers Journal > Volume 7 > Number 4 (1970)
Volume 7, Number 4 (1970)
Issue cover date: April 1970
Front Matter
Open Letter to Science Teachers: Before You Lock the Door
Delma E. Harding
Innovation in Science Education in Australia
Richard P. Tisher
On the Trail of the Decadent Polyglot
W. F. Hollander
Elementary Science Projects and the Low Group of Ninth Graders
Richard D. McVey
Into the Crystal Ball for the 1970s
Joe R. Moore
Back Matter

- Managing Editor
- Richard Gates
- Advertising Committee
- William Azbell
- Walter DeKock
- Milbert Krohn
- Sister Mary Martina
- James Merritt
- Editorial Board
- Leland Wilson
- James Divelbiss
- Ray Haun
- Donald Biggs
- Delma Harding
- George Cossman
- News and Notes Editor
- Paul Tweeten
- Photographic Editor
- Alan Whitworth