Honors Program Theses
Open Access Honors Program Thesis
First Advisor
Roy Behrens
The topic of MON VOYAGE: Paris Through My Eyes is a journey and exploration of culture. In my years at the University of Northern Iowa studying graphic design, I have always been interested in how my art can interpret my insights into my own world. While exploring this idea of art as interpretation, I began considering my own culture and my lack of knowledge of other cultures. Thus began the dream of traveling into a new culture and documenting the experience through my subconscious vision. I wanted to document a culture not as a tourist but as someone studying a place. Tourists often experience a new culture through what it can do for them; how it can excite them; how it can bring them something new. Instead, I wanted to study the culture for what it is, separate from me, a true photojournalistic experience without preconceived notions or expectations. The project was simple in theory: travel to a new culture and document the culture through my own style of artistic expression using the skills and growth acquired over the years of my university education in graphic design, photography, and fine art.
Year of Submission
Department of Art
University Honors Designation
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors
Date Original
Object Description
1 PDF file (4 pages)
©2007 Kristyn Ann Beckman
Recommended Citation
Beckman, Kristyn Ann, "Mon Voyage: Paris Through My Eyes" (2007). Honors Program Theses. 657.
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