"Synthesis and coupling schemes of naphthalimide compounds with target " by Kaitlyn Parrott

Honors Program Theses


Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)

First Advisor

Jeffrey Elbert, Honors Thesis Advisor


Drug targeting; Drugs--Dosage forms;


The purpose of this research was to synthesize a target naphthalimide-drug compound that will have applications in localized drug delivery. This project focused on the synthesis and coupling schemes involved in creating the naphthalimide-drug compound and investigated conditions and sequencing of the synthesis and coupling steps to reach the target compound. The work done on this project was funded through Alumend LLC. The ideal compound has a naphthalimide core with tail, a linker region, and the target drug. There were two reactions schemes used during this research. The first, or the original scheme, was the starting point for the synthesis of the desired compound; previous work had been put into this scheme before this project was started. The second scheme, or modified scheme, was developed during this project to potentially be more effective at synthesizing the target product. Through the use of NMR and GC/MS we were able to determine the possible products produced in our experiments. Further testing is needed on the samples collected during this research to firmly conclude if the desired compounds have or have not been synthesized. Further work is being done with the synthesis of this compound to explore the challenges with the reactions.

Year of Submission



Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

University Honors Designation

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (37 pages)



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