Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The contention is made that high school students experience frustrations in their pursuit of learning Euclidean geometry. Three causes of frustration are assumed: inadequate comprehension of new concepts; lack of a sense of need or usefulness of concepts presented; a lack of initial or sustaining interest in the subject. A further presumption is made that appropriate utilization of multimedia in the study of geometry will alleviate some of these frustrations.

In light of these assumptions and with substantial support for them in literature reviewed, an annotated bibliography of multimedia intended for incorporation into the study of Euclidean geometry and directed at alleviating some of the students' frustrations is presented. The reviewing sources referred to for possible listings are included. Items selected for inclusion received favorable reviews in these sources, and their entries include complete bibliographic information, their contents, specific concepts to which they relate, and appropriate grade level to which they are directed.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Library Science

First Advisor

Leah Hiland


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Date Original


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1 PDF file (63 pages)



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