Honors Program Theses


Open Access Honors Program Thesis

First Advisor

Frederick Halgedahl


My thesis project combines a traditional research subject with a creative element. My desired project was to create a study accompaniment for the Sonata in G minor by J. S. Bach (see Appendix 1 ), with the written research portion providing the justification for the creation of that accompaniment. I chose this project for several reasons. J. S. Bach is a favorite composer of mine, and I love playing his works on both the violin and the viola. Partially because of my love for his music, I feel like I am on my way to having a fairly firm understanding of his ideas and to portraying them well ( although it could be argued that having that understanding leads me to love the music). However, many violinists-including myself before I had studied more of his works and came to have a deeper understanding of them-have expressed the view that Bach's works are difficult to understand and to perform. Some of the difficulties people have articulated include the use of patterns, the use of a modem versus Baroque bow, complex double stops, memorization, communicating the harmony and melody, and playing unaccompanied. The last two issues were part of the fuel for my idea: to help a violinist discover the harmonic basis that underlies the unaccompanied line.

Year of Submission



School of Music

University Honors Designation

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors


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Object Description

1 PDF file (16 pages)
