Honors Program Theses


Open Access Honors Program Thesis

First Advisor

Gretta Berghammer


We often take for granted how accepted we are by others around us. Without realizing it, we may forget we belong to a larger community connected by the culture of the United States that shapes the way we understand the world. Culture plays an invaluable role in much of how we live. According to Marcelle E. DuPraw and Marya Axne, authors of the article, "Working on Common Cross-Cultural Communication Challenge, "our culture "influences how we approach problems, and how we participate in groups and in communities" by shaping our communication and decision-making styles, attitudes toward conflict and disclosure, and approaches to completing tasks (DuPraw and Axne). So important is culture in our lives that one needs only to enter the culture of another community to realize the impact it has and how difficult it can seem to try to fit in within that group. Despite the challenge, many students, when they study abroad, desire to become assimilated into the culture of the place in which they travel. In other words, they want to feel a part of that culture's community, yet how can one achieve this without the luxury of being born into that culture?

Year of Submission



Department of Theatre

University Honors Designation

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors


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Object Description

1 PDF file (65 pages)
