"Everybody's Doing It But Me: Comparing Pluralistic Ignorance Across Be" by Katherine S. Corker

Honors Program Theses


Open Access Honors Program Thesis

First Advisor

Helen C. Harton


College students--Attitudes;


This study examined pluralistic ignorance (PI) for a variety of behaviors and attitudes such as health behaviors ( exercise frequency, fruits and vegetables consumed, personal hygiene, marijuana use), subjective well-being, and television habits. Student and nonstudent participants indicated their, their best friend's, the average student's, and the average American adult's attitudes on various topics (e.g., drugs, personal well-being; Prentice & Miller, 1993) and completed measures of alienation (Dean, 1961 ). Student and nonstudent populations showed PI; however, some items showed greater PI than others. High PI items tended to be health behaviors for the student sample and television habits for the nonstudent sample. Alienation was not related to pluralistic ignorance. These findings suggest that pluralistic ignorance is a broad construct that may be affected by a moderator such as concealment.

Year of Submission



Department of Psychology

University Honors Designation

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors


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Object Description

1 PDF file (46 pages)
