"Academic Advising: Differences Between Freshmen and Sophomores" by Abby L. Cochren

Honors Program Theses


Open Access Honors Program Thesis

First Advisor

Joyce Milambling


Freshman and sophomore years in college are a transitional period in a student's academic life, both externally and internally. Initially, one sees more external transitions such as . going from high school to colle.ge and going to class fifteen hours a week. However, alongside those external transitions, and eventually superseding them, the internal transitions begin to strongly influence the student's life: defining their identity; determining the best academic route; and questioning former beliefs about their interests and future. These internal transitions start a four-year journey of shifting needs and outlook. This journey determines how the student develops, what kind of student they become, how they make use of their academic collegiate experience, and ultimately what they do with their degree after college. Academic advising guides the student through these first two years of the journey in hopes of the student having the full knowledge and independence to guide themselves the rest of the way.

Freshmen a--nd sophomores are often grouped together in terms of general needs and advising techniques, however, current research in academic advising in the United States claims that freshmen and sophomore students have different needs. Freshmen needs are more orientation-focused while sophomore needs are more future-focused (Gordon, Habley, & Associates, 2000). Research also claims that academic advisors need to adapt their methods of guidance to best suit the changing needs of each group of students. But is this true? Do the needs of freshmen students differ from those of sophomore students? If so, how do the academic advisors need to adapt?

Year of Submission



Department of English Language and Literature

University Honors Designation

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors


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Object Description

1 PDF file (26 pages)
