Honors Program Theses


Open Access Honors Program Thesis

First Advisor

Steve Wartick


European Union--Turkey; European Union--Membership; Turkey;


The European Union has helped to unify twenty-five European countries. It continues to have a plan of enlargement that allows countries to apply to be candidates for accession. One of the countries wishing to enter the European Union is Turkey. Located in what is considered the Middle East, Turkey is partially on the continent of Europe and partially in Asia. If Turkey becomes a member it would be the first to be located in Asia, the first Muslim state, and one of the most populous of the entire member states (second only to Germany).

There are many people and many countries in favor of Turkey joining the European Union. There are probably about the same amount who think it is a ridiculous notion that should or could never occur. There are many reasons for and against its entrance into the European Union, including differences in religion and ideals, as well as the current state of the economy and progress towards reformation. Many reforms will have to be made for Turkey to gain accession; but it is ready and poised to do this and has already begun the process.

Global implications will be the main focus of this thesis, including four possible scenarios for the state of the world in 2020. These scenarios have been developed by the National Intelligence Council and vary in their possibilities of occurrence in the future. Each scenario will be described and the likelihood of each situation occurring will be explained, as well as how it would affect the entire world. Through this thesis an overview and general information on both the European Union and Turkey will be given, followed by an expansion upon what the reasons for and against the accession of Turkey into the European Union are, as well as the global implications for each side of this case.

Year of Submission



Department of Management

University Honors Designation

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors


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Object Description

1 PDF file (30 pages)
