"Attainable Arts Integration in the elementary school classroom" by Anneliese Gentzsch

Honors Program Theses


Open Access Honors Program Thesis

First Advisor

Denise Tallakson, Honors Thesis Advisor


Art--Study and teaching (Elementary);


Arts Integration is an education philosophy that advocates for educating the whole child in a way that will prepare him or her for life outside the classroom. Arts Integration can effectively do this because it makes art, which is seen everywhere in the world around people, an essential part of the classroom. In an Arts Integration classroom, the arts are integrated with mathematics, science, social studies, and reading. Arts Integration teachers strive to authentically incorporate music, drama, the visual arts, dance, and literature into their classrooms on a daily basis. When teachers authentically incorporate the arts into the classroom, the arts become a teaching and learning device rather than an unrelated activity taking up time. When teachers use Arts Integration as a part of their regular classroom instruction, they are helping students to learn in a more authentic manner, in which all of their learning is connected rather than separate.

Arts Integration provides teachers with a wide variety of teaching instructions, allowing them to select what will help their students or school the most. While a variety of options may overwhelm teachers, they have a variety of easy, attainable choices for how to integrate the arts and help their students in the greatest way possible. This leads to many different approaches to Arts Integration, depending on the school and teacher. This paper will examine Arts Integration and explore options teachers have to effectively integrate the arts into their classroom without requiring excessive specialty supplies.

Year of Submission



Department of Curriculum and Instruction

University Honors Designation

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors


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1 PDF file (37 pages)



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