"A descriptive analysis of intuitive eating on the UNI campus" by Natalee Jeanne Lyons

Honors Program Theses

Award Winner

Recipient of the 2022 Mary Ann Bolton Undergraduate Research Award - First Place.

To go to the Mary Ann Bolton Undergraduate Research Award page, Click here.

Year of Award

2022 Award


Open Access Honors Program Thesis

First Advisor

Disa Lubker Corninsh


College students--Health and hygiene--Iowa--Cedar Falls; Food habits--Iowa--Cedar Falls; Appetite;


Over the course of this project, we will send out a cross-sectional survey to undergraduate students living on UNI’s campus. Included in the survey are questions regarding nutritional campus climate, student’s food preferences and eating habits, as well as the complete second edition of the Intuitive Eating Scale (Tylka & Kroon Van Diest, 2013).

This survey will then be analyzed utilizing SPSS software to draw conclusions regarding this target population (IBM Corp, 2016). Upon completion of this data analysis, our research 2 team hopes to address the following questions: What factors influence the eating behaviors of college students living on campus? How do college students living on campus perceive their food environments? How can college campus dining support students who engage in intuitive eating?

Year of Submission



Department of Health, Recreation, and Community Services

University Honors Designation

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (34 pages)



File Format

