Honors Program Theses


Open Access Honors Program Thesis

First Advisor

Mattheew Wilson, Honors Thesis Advisor


Design; Designers;


In talking with many professional designers in the last year, I have noticed how much time they spend talking about their process, research, and planning. All of this comes before the visualization of the actual design. Design is truly becoming more human-centric and is used as a tool to solve problems. This means that many things must be considered beyond color, typography, and composition. Traditional design education gives students the tools they need to know how to create visually successful designs. However, students also need to understand how to use those technical skills and apply them to a design that serves a greater purpose beyond just being something nice to look at.

It is because of all of these realizations that I wanted to provide a resource to other design students, like myself, to learn more ways of thinking about design in the context of serving a greater purpose. Throughout the course of this project, I gathered information from lots of different sources and summarized all of my findings into one digestible list for design students. I hope that this project reaches students in the earlier stages of their education so that they can apply these principles and ways of thinking to their class projects and begin practicing these skills to make them more prepared to become a design professional. If anything, I want others to be aware of the significant difference in the ways of approaching how to do a project for class and designing for a client.

Year of Submission



Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship

University Honors Designation

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file ([10] pages)



File Format

