Graduate Research Papers
Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
The very first Norwegians to arrive on American shores came in 1825. Folk music, folk heritage, folk dancing, and congregational singing was very important to everyday Norwegian life. Norwegians brought these traditions and rituals to America and fused that with newfound freedoms. This article examines the political and cultural life from just before their independence in 1814, the influences of the Norwegian Lutheran Church and turmoil within, and the role music continued to play in Norwegian immigrant life from 1825 until 1913. The purpose of this article was to explain the role music played in early, pioneer-era, Norwegian-American life of southwestern Minnesota and part of central Iowa. A brief explanation and rationale for the journey to the New World will also be proffered. Influences from prominent Norwegian artists and composers and notable Norwegian Americans significantly impacted music in America. Primary sources for this research include Norwegian liturgical texts and chorale melodies of the period. Secondary sources include websites, articles, and dissertations to give cultural and historical context.
Year of Submission
School of Music
First Advisor
Kevin Droe
Date Original
Object Description
1 PDF (46 pages)
©2024 Andrew S. Hasty
Recommended Citation
Hasty, Andrew S., "Music in Pioneer-era Southwestern Minnesota Norwegian Churches and Schools" (2024). Graduate Research Papers. 4259.