Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


With the passage of the Stull Act in California, the race to evaluate was on! Assembly Bill 293 called for the following provisions: Boards of education must have written guidelines which contain (a) standards of expected student progress, (b) assessments of certificated personnel competencies as related to the standards for each classification, (c) assessments of other duties as adjuncts to regular assignments, and (d) the establishment of procedures and techniques for ascertaining that the employee is maintaining proper control of the learning situation. (California Board of Education, 1972). This bill gave impetus to the already well developed trend toward quantifying methods of teacher evaluations. The passage of the Stull Act reflected the increased public interest in knowing even more clearly, just what was going on inside the schools. The very large sums of money being spent for education and educational programs are reason enough to expect specific accounting from those responsible for its spending.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Department of Educational Administration and Counseling

First Advisor

Norman McCumsey


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Date Original


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1 PDF file (19 leaves)



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