Community Variety Collections
This page gathers in one location the community variety related collections found in the institutional repository, UNI ScholarWorks. There is a wide variety of types of collections, ranging from image galleries to video interviews. To see the global reach and impact of each collection, go to the specific collection page to view its global readership map.
African-American Voices of the Cedar Valley Oral History Project
The African-American Voices of the Cedar Valley Oral History Project provides information about the historical and contemporary development of African-American culture and community and informs the public of events and issues of African-American communities in the Cedar Valley Iowa area. Dr. Joyce Chen, professor at the University of Northern Iowa and Dr. David W. Jackson III, African-American Historian, developed the project.
To view the videos, go to the African-American Voices of the Cedar Valley Oral History Project page.
Brazilian Slave Narratives Project
Dr. Robert Krueger, Professor Emeritus, and Alida Bakuzis, former Instructor, at the University of Northern Iowa are curators of the Brazilian Slave Narratives & Texts Project. The purpose of the project is to recover and share texts written & spoken by Brazilian slaves. The archive sheds light on the intimacies and struggles of ordinary slaves and ex-slaves, not only famous and notorious historical figures.
To find out more information, go to the Brazilian Slave Narratives Project page.
Cedar Valley Birth Story Archive
Dr. Disa Cornish (Associate Professor of Health, Recreation, and Community Services) at the University of Northern Iowa developed this oral history project.
To view the videos, go to the Cedar Valley Birth Story Archive page.
Center for Holocaust and Genocide Education Documents
This is a collection of posters and other documents for events sponsored by the Center of Holocaust and Genocide Education at the University of Northern Iowa.
To view the event posters, go to the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Education Documents page.
Center for Multicultural Education Collections
Center for Multicultural Education has a rich history of promoting an appreciation for all diversity through out the University of Northern Iowa with our sponsored events and our helpful staff.
To view the collections, go to the Center for Multicultural Education page.
Community Voices: Postville Project Oral Histories
The Community Voices: Postville Oral History Project sought to capture the remembered past of those who experienced the “Postville story,” that is, the social context leading up to, including, and following the ICE immigration raid that occurred on May 12th, 2008. The Interviews available here showcase the unique memories of 16 interviewees living and working in or near Postville.
To listen to the audio files, go to the Community Voices: Postville Project Oral Histories page.
Eddie Bowles: Blues Musician Collection
This project involved collecting materials and preparing them in exhibits on the Web and at the Hearst Center in Cedar Falls, Iowa. The exhibitions were prepared by an English Senior Seminar student in the UNI Department of Languages & Literatures under the advisement of Professor Jim O'Loughlin.
To view the materials, go to the Eddie Bowles: Blues Musician Collection page.
Korean Childhood Fantasies
Soo Hostetler, Associate Professor of Graphic Design, in the UNI Department of Art created the works in the Korean Childhood Fantasies collection which premiered in large-scale printed form in an exhibition at the Hearst Center for the Arts, Cedar Falls IA, during July 7 through August 16, 2020.
To view the images, go to the Korean Childhood Fantasies page.
Library Book Displays
Each month, the Library Committee for Community Belonging curates a themed book display which is located near the Book Bistro on the main floor of the library. We encourage you to explore what's there and check out what interests you.
To view photographs of the displays, go to the Library Book Displays page.
Palczewski Suffrage Postcard Archive
This website provides a virtual tour of an archive of suffrage postcards gathered by Catherine Palczewski, Professor in the Department of Communication & Media, at the University of Northern Iowa and her partner, Arnie Madsen, PhD, over the last 15 years.
To view the postcards, go to the Palczewski Suffrage Postcard Archive page.
Postville Project Collections
The Postville Project works to collect, preserve and present the stories and materials related to the community of Postville, Iowa before, during and after the 2008 immigration raid at the Agriprocessors meatpacking plant. Luther College and the University of Northern Iowa organized The Postville Project in an effort to preserve and exhibit the media and stories surrounding the 2008 immigration raid and the memories of the community both before and after that event..
To view the many sub-collections, go to the Postville Project page.
RodCon Documents & Photo Galleries
The RodCon event is held in the spring and is free and open to the public. The goal is to provide an open forum for discussion about the theme of a networked society focused on popular culture, comics, and gaming. Panel presentations are focused on providing a forum for discussion about the complex issues of race, gender, class and social justice in popular entertainment.
To view the documents and images, go to the RodCon Documents & Photo Galleries page.
The Make Cook Do Book
During the spring and fall semesters of 2016, UNI students collaborated with adult Learners in English classes at the YWCA in Waterloo, Iowa as language partners. The stories below are just a sample of all the different backgrounds and talents that the adult English Learners brought to the collaboration. At the end of the fall 2016 semester, the YWCA students were invited to write about their past, present and/or future and, if they wanted to, about their family as well. (The document that prompted them to share their ideas is on the first page!) UNI students offered assistance, as needed, to help the YWCA students craft their stories. Students were also invited to share fabric from their home countries. These fragments of cloth inspired the patterns on the book cover and throughout its pages. We present this text as a means to join together words and images that linked students from around the world as partners in Learning.
To view the book, go to the Make Cook Do Book Project page.
Tu Historia: Latino Americans in Iowa
The Rod Library, as part of the National Endowment for the Humanities and American Library Association's Latino Americans: 500 Years of History programming, has created Tu Historia: Latino Americans in Iowa, an oral history collection that focuses on the experiences and Latinos and Latino Americans in the Midwest.
To listen to the oral histories, go to the Tu Historia: Latino Americans in Iowa page.
UNI Clothesline Project Photo Archive
The Clothesline Project is organized by the Women’s and Gender Studies Program at UNI in conjunction with Relationship Violence Awareness month in October to create awareness about the continual violence against women, children, men, the LGBTQ+ community, and other marginalized communities through the decoration (arts & writing positive words) of t-shirts.
To view the images, go to the UNI Clothesline Project Photo Archive page.
UNI PROUD Documents and Photo Gallery
UNI PROUD is a student organization at the University of Northern Iowa, which is founded on the principles of promoting an inclusive and accepting campus environment for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Asexual, and other queer identities (LGBTQIA+). See the UNI LGBT* History binder (A collection of related Northern Iowan articles).
To view the documents and photo gallery, go to the UNI PROUD page.
UNI Works About Community Variety Topics
This is a collection of works by UNI faculty, staff, and students related to community variety topics that have been gathered under the CME page in UNI ScholarWorks.
To view the works, go to the UNI Works About Community Variety Topics page.
UNI Works about LGBTQIA+ Related Topics
This is a collection of works by UNI faculty, staff, and students related to LGBTQIA+ related topics that have been gathered under the Multicultural Education page in UNI ScholarWorks.
To view the works, go to the UNI Works about LGBTQIA+ Related Topics page.
Women's and Gender Studies Program Collections
The Women's and Gender Studies program is committed to serving the diverse members of the program, the university and the community by (a) developing and coordinating an interdisciplinary curriculum in women's and gender studies at the undergraduate and graduate levels, (b) offering public programming in women's and gender studies and (c) fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and supporting critical research in women's and gender studies. The program fosters challenging academic inquiry, global awareness, social equality and civic engagement.
To view the collections, go to the Women's and Gender Studies Program page.