UNI Graduate Research Papers for the School Library Studies Program | Student Work | University of Northern Iowa

This collection contains Graduate Research Papers written by students in the Division of School Library Studies, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education.


Submissions from 2024


Student Reading Motivation through Book Talks, Amy Abbott, Stephanie Stockton, Luvy Webb, and Jessica Werderman Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


A Case Study of the Impact of Lateral Reading Instruction On Students’ Evaluation of Digital Information, Devon Allbee, Jenny Marburger, and Tiffany Ostrowski Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The Impact of Book Self-Selection and Format on Student Motivation to Read, Josie Bishop, Mattie Carstens, and Molly Mitola Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Examining the Impact Book Promotions Have on Student Book Selection, Chelsea Dearborn Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Teacher Librarians’ Influence on Information Literacy Skills: A Research Proposal, Amy Diewold, Diana Lord, and Sierra Johnson Open Access Graduate Research Paper


A Case Study of the Influence of the Teacher Librarian On Middle and High School Student Book Selection, Hilary Peyton, Lindsay Salinas, Josie Smock, and Meg Tisinger Open Access Graduate Research Paper

Submissions from 2023


Diversity in Collections Utilizing Accelerated Reader Programs, Leah Cahill Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Promoting Social-Emotional Development in Elementary Children Through the Use of Quality Picture Books: A Content Analysis, Shauna Mostek Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Does systematic phonological awareness in the early primary grades impact student learning beyond primary grades, Renee Lyn Sorenson Open Access Graduate Research Paper

Submissions from 2022


Teacher librarian influence on students' self-selection of books, Elizabeth A. Nelson Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Portrayal of Native Americans and Native culture in children's picture books, Janace Nester Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Pleasure reading workshop: Meeting SEL competencies based on sustained (and maybe not so silent) reading, Lora Sink Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The influence of book talks on reader engagement in fourth grade students, Jennifer Smith Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


A case study of the impact a pleasure reading curriculum has on students' passion for reading, Danielle M. Wolfe Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Hey! That's how I feel! A qualitative content analysis of anxiety in middle grade literature, Heather M. Wood Open Access Graduate Research Paper

Submissions from 2021


The influence of book club conversations on reluctant or struggling readers, JaDee Jo Gloede Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Mental illness representation in young adult literature, Ashley Aberle Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Portrayal of characters with autism in picture books, Tara Amundson Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Examining diversity in the Iowa Goldfinch Award, Jill M. Doyle Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Examining teacher librarians' impact on students' self-selection strategies, Sarah Gunsolley Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


The portrayal of fathers in children's literature, Kate A. Hite Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Diverse representation within secondary-level state consortium-provided e-books, Jill McDonald Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


A case study of the impact of teacher librarian collaboration in the instruction of information literacy and digital citizenship on student achievement in inquiry skills, Abby M. Mussmann Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


The historical and cultural accuracy of the Japanese internment camps in children's literature, Zoey Perrigo Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Portrayal of females in notable science trade books for children, Carolyn Proesch Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Examining the impact a teacher librarian has on students' self-selection strategies, Stefanie Throndson Open Access Graduate Research Paper

Submissions from 2020


Representation of Native peoples in picture books about Christopher Columbus: A literary analysis, Mari Butler Abry Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Portrayal of characters with physical disabilities in picture books, Emily Biederman Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Characterizing protagonists in graphic novels for teens, Danielle Lahr Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Portrayal of immigration in fiction for grades 4-6, Melissa N. Marwedel Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Culture in transitional chapter books: Assimilation or inclusion, Jeanette P. White Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Elementary school library program integration with art, literacy, and STEAM through makerspaces, Kristi Baldwin Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Portrayal of Diverse Family Structures in Children's Literature, Beth Grafft Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Three cases of makerspace integration in school library programs in conjunction with district initiatives: Literacy, design thinking, and STEAM, Sara Pflughaupt Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Influence of book clubs on reading motivation for third through fifth grade students, Allyson Reister Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Trauma in children's literature, Kyra Ross Open Access Graduate Research Paper


An analysis of ADHD in middle grade and young adult literature, Sydney Schuler Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Representation of LGBTQ characters in 2019 young adult literature, Janelle M. Snyder Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Gazing at scattered stars: Immigration through the lens of elementary graphic literature, Jennifer K. Stanerson Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Three cases of makerspace integration in school library programs in conjunction with district initiatives: STEAM, design thinking, and literacy, Lisa Tegels Open Access Graduate Research Paper

Submissions from 2019


Teacher perceptions of understaffed school libraries, Amanda Bonjour Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Student engagement within the use of graphic novels, Melissa Felsenthal Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Portrayal of females in agriculturally themed children's books, Malinda Mick Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)

Submissions from 2018


Embracing New Experiences: Young Adult Literature About the Immigrant Experience, Ashley Hoppenjan Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Depression and Anxiety in Current Middle Grade Fiction: Finding Quality, Authentic Portrayals for Use in Bibliotherapy, Tonia Sandersfeld-Miller Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Information Literacy: Expectations of High School Students in Joint Enrollment Courses, Steven Witmer Open Access Graduate Research Paper

Submissions from 2017


Defying the odds: A research based reading program project guide, Megan Casey Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Examining student selection behaviors with library fiction collections, Katie Delaney Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Book selection approaches and the middle school student, Sara Fischer Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Reading aloud to tweens and teens to create empathy: A functional criteria, Elizabeth Good Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Dungeons and Dragons and literacy: The role tabletop role-playing games can play in developing teenagers' literacy skills and reading interests, Stefanie L. B. Kaylor Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Teacher librarians and technology leadership, Jennifer Kizer Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Recreational reading in secondary schools through book clubs, Briana White Open Access Graduate Research Paper

Submissions from 2016


Supporting reading curriculum without restricting access to library materials: Resources for teacher librarians, Tricia Carty Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Female sexuality in current young adult literature, Joanna M. Freking-Smith Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Parent perceptions of support from the school library, Heather Garrett Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Readers' advisory program for non proficient readers, Lisa Gogel Open Access Graduate Research Paper


A selective annotated list of reading promotion events recommended for elementary students, Nicole Nadine Guldager Open Access Graduate Research Paper


A twist on happily ever after : Fractured fairy tales for young adults, Kathryn Hale Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The use of mentor texts to teach writing in kindergarten, first and second grades, Mary Heeringa Open Access Graduate Research Paper


E-readers and struggling middle school readers, Abigail L. Hendrickson Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Content analysis of two libraries resources for supporting primary economics instruction, Lindsey J. Hilts Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Online audiobook reference guide for Iowa elementary school librarians, Kerry LeWarne Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Makerspaces and the Iowa Core: Connections in a high school library, Tracie Marshall Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The need for a teacher librarian to take a leadership role in the implementation of supplemental reading program initiatives to achieve desired student outcomes, Mindy M. Reimer Open Access Graduate Research Paper

Submissions from 2015


The 21st century school teacher librarian: Trends in the Iowa school library survey data over the last decade, Emily Baltes Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The 1930s: The Great Depression and beyond ; an annotated bibliography, Tydra Corbin Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The impact of school library circulation policy change: A case study, Kristen Downes Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Middle school leisure reading selection: Influences during selection and implications for school library programs, Jessica A. Elliot Open Access Graduate Research Paper


An annotated bibliography of materials recommended for middle school classrooms regarding the multiple perspectives on the causes of the American Civil War, Emma Folland Open Access Graduate Research Paper


ELA teacher perceptions of the school librarian's role in standards implementation, Franny Frey Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Genrifying the school library's fiction collection, Andrea Hora Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Poverty and homelessness : A content analysis of children's nonfiction literature, Christine Newell Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Teacher librarians & literacy coaches: Their roles in reading support, Nicole N. Ruthaivilavan Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Student achievement in the area of inquiry learning with the implementation of 1:1 iPads, Denise Shekleton Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)

Submissions from 2014


An investigation of adolescent boys' dispositions toward leisure reading, Julie Barnett Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Influencing incoming fourth graders' reading habits through a summer literature circle: A case study, Brandy E. Bingman Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Why don't they read?, Cynde Duncan Open Access Graduate Research Paper


How fifth grade elementary students select books, Tiffany Evans Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The Usefulness of Graphic Novels as Information Sources for Nonfiction Reading, Sarah Holub Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The Perceptions of Teacher Librarians and Principals Regarding the Role of the Teacher Librarian in the Implementation of the Iowa Multi-Tiered System of Supports, Katy A. Kauffman Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The collaborative relationship between teacher librarians and public librarians, Jennifer J. Keltner Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Technology's Role in Inquiry-Based Learning, Melissa Mulder Open Access Graduate Research Paper

Submissions from 2013


Cold Shoulder: An Alaskan adventure, Christine C. Berlin Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Teacher perceptions of graphic novels, Katherine Block Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Getting graphic: Exploring the inferential thinking skills that are required to comprehend graphic novels, Angela Brauns Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Portrayal of Latinos in young adult fiction, Jennifer Cole Open Access Graduate Research Paper


A training guide and reference handbook for elementary school library secretaries in the Iowa City Community School District, Lisa Collier Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Library instruction designed to support core curriculum, Julie Courter Open Access Graduate Research Paper


College freshmen dispositional readiness: Examining the perceptions, Jennifer Dovre Open Access Graduate Research Paper


A WebQuest for the Instruction of Appropriate Online Behavior, Susan Heilig Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Iowa core technology integration: A resource for kindergarten through second grade teachers, Shalyn Huerter Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


A comparison of print and e-book texts with 4th grade students to evaluate comprehension and motivation, Sarah Johnson Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Misconceptions of the Teacher Librarian Role, Mary Junker Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Collaboration of the Teacher Librarian and the Classroom Teacher to Incorporate Literature and Information Literacy Skills into a Sixth Grade Social Studies Unit, Susan A. Klett Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Library Paraeducators' Training: Assumptions or Facts?, Virginia H. Knapp Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Portrayal of agriculture in children's literature: Contemporary stories in picture books, traditional tales, and nonfiction, Kathryn S. Koller Open Access Graduate Research Paper


A selective annotated bibliography of materials recommended for junior high classrooms regarding resistance during the Holocaust, Katharine Mulfinger Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Young Adult Memoir Dealing with Alcohol, Abuse, Infidelity, Violence and Poverty, Kelly Reinhold Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Portrayal of Characters with Disabilities within K-6 Fictional Literature, Katie Roling Open Access Graduate Research Paper