Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science: JIAS | IAS Journals & Newsletters | University of Northern Iowa

The Iowa Academy of Science began publishing the Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences in 1887 and continued until 1987 when it became known as the peer-reviewed Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science. The change coincided with the 100th Annual Meeting of the Academy concluding a process that began in 1971 when the Proceedings became a quarterly periodical which included papers that had not been presented at the previous annual meeting.

The Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science (1988-present) was preceded by the Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science (1887-1987).

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Current Volume 126, Number 1-4 (2019)

Issue cover date: January-December 2019

Front Matter



Use of Surgical Tissue Adhesive and Body Mass Change to Assess Ring-necked Pheasant Brood Foraging Habitat p. 1-5
Todd R. Bogenschutz, Chris S. Jennelle, Mark W. McInroy, and Steven D. Roberts


Iowa Statewide Stream Nitrate Loading: 2017-2018 Update p. 6-12
Christopher S. Jones and Keith E. Schilling