Home > Iowa Academy of Science > Journals & Newsletters > Iowa Science Teachers Journal > Volume 9 > Number 2 (1972)
Volume 9, Number 2 (1972)
Issue cover date: January 1972
Front Matter
The Only True Multi-Medium Is the Human Being
Milbert Krohn
Science for the Educationally Uninvolved Student
Joe R. Moore
A Comparison of the Effects of a Team Approach and a Conventional Approach on Achievement in High School Biology
Paul Joslin, John Montean, and John Schmitt
What is A.T.T.V. Biology?
Charles Frederick
A Study of Physics, Chemistry and Advanced Science Enrollments in Iowa's Area Ten with Reference to Enrollment Patterns in the State of Iowa
Richard E. McQueen
A Simple Machines Lab for Seventh Grade Students
Peter H. Sweedy