Home > Iowa Academy of Science > Journals & Newsletters > Iowa Science Teachers Journal > Volume 6 > Number 1 (1968)
Volume 6, Number 1 (1968)
Issue cover date: October 1968
Front Matter
Open Letter to Iowa Science Teachers' Journal
Ken Carlander
Implications of an Elective Sophomore Ecology Course
Lynn W. Glass
Science Education in the Middle or Junior High School Grades
Robert H. Carleton
A Naturalist at Large: Skin-in, Skin-out
Marston Bates
A Membership Fairy Tale
Doris M. Timpano
This is What I Am!!
Milbert H. Krohn
Can a Young Man Whose Mind is on Girls, Booze, Skiing, and High-Class Parties Win the Nobel Prize?
Peter Farb
Back Matter

- Managing Editor
- Richard Gates
- Advertising Committee
- William Azbell
- Walter DeKock
- Milbert Krohn
- Sister Mary Martina
- James Merritt
- Editorial Board
- Leland Wilson
- James Divelbiss
- Ray Haun
- Donald Biggs
- Delma Harding
- George Cossman
- News and Notes Editor
- Paul Tweeten
- Photographic Editor
- Alan Whitworth
- Junior Academy Editor
- Sister Mary Nicholas
- Review Editor
- Glenn Isserstedt