Works Related to the Iowa Lakeside Laboratory (all works)
This collection contains all works found in UNI ScholarWorks and other Digital Commons repositories related to the Iowa Lakeside Laboratory. To go back to the Iowa Lakeside Laboratory page to browse other collections related to the lab, click here.
Presentations from 2019
Oak Lake Field Station : Perspectives of a Field Station Director, Nels H. Troelstrup Jr.
Biology News 2019, University of Northern Iowa. Department of Biology.
UNI Science Education Update Conference [Program] April 5, 2019, University of Northern Iowa Science Education Program.
Articles from 2017
Scale and spatial consistency of specialization in an endemic and abundant freshwater diatom from the Caribbean Basin, Viviana Mazzei and Evelyn E. Gaiser
Submissions from 2014
Book Review: The Iowa Lakeside Laboratory: A Century of Discovering the Nature of Nature. Michael J. Lannoo., Bonnie S. Bowen
Mechanisms of Diatom Assembly in a Hydrologically-Managed Subtropical Wetland, Sylvia S. Lee
Earth News, v37, Spring 2014, University of Northern Iowa. Department of Earth Science.
Issues from 2013
CSBS Statements, v15, 2013, University of Northern Iowa. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Issues from 2012
Geography News, v35n1/2, Spring/Fall 2012, Geographic Alliance of Iowa.
Climate-Induced Shifts in Alpine Diatom Communities: Linking Neoecological and Paleoecological Approaches to Incorporate Responses to Trophic Forcing, Jasmine E. Saros
Books from 2011
Daily Eastern News: June 14, 2011, Eastern Illinois University
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
The Influence of Phosphorus on Periphyton Mats from the Everglades and Three Tropical Karstic Wetlands, Josette M. La Hee
Submissions from 2009
An annotated checklist of the lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of Iowa, U.S.A., Louis S. Hesler
Issues from 2007
Tallgrass Prairie Center Newsletter, Spring 2007, University of Northern Iowa. Tallgrass Prairie Center.
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
The Role of Evolutionary Processes in a Biological Invasion: An Experimental Study with Silene latifolia, Amy C. Blair
Issues from 2000
Northern Iowa Today, v84n1, Winter 2000, University of Northern Iowa Alumni Association
Books from 1999
Washington University Record, February 25, 1999
Submissions from 1997
Book Review - Okoboji Wetlands. A Lesson in Natural History, Robert W. Black
Submissions from 1995
Population Processes, Kathleen H. Keeler and Anthony Joern
Submissions from 1990
Special Issue Photo: Richard V. Bovbjerg, Director of the Iowa Lakeside Laboratory 1963-1989
Eighty Years of Research at Iowa Lakeside Laboratory: A Bibliography, Debby Zieglowsky Baker
Richard Bovbjerg and The Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, Michael J. Lannoo
A Summer Course in Invertebrate Developmental Biology at Iowa Lakeside Laboratory: A Unique Experience, Carol W. Schutte, Dale J. Witt, Nicole Y. Janosek, Douglas E. Robinson, Edwin C. Powell, and George G. Brown
Books from 1987
The Voice, March 1987: Volume 32, Issue 3, Dordt College
Submissions from 1986
Iowa Lakeside Laboratory Summer Sessions June 9-August 15, 1996, Iowa Lakeside Laboratory
Submissions from 1985
Science Notes - New Course in Natural History at Iowa Lakeside Laboratory
Submissions from 1977
Host-induced morphological variations in the strigeoid trematode Posthodiplostomum minimum (Trematoda: Diplostomatidae). II. Body measurements and tegument modifications, James R. Palmieri
Host-induced morphological variations in the strigeoid trematode Posthodiplostomum minimum (Trematoda: Diplostomatidae). III. Organs of attachment, James R. Palmieri
Issues from 1976
The Alumnus, v61n1, February 1976, University of Northern Iowa Alumni Association
Submissions from 1975
Blood Parasites from Birds of the Lake Okoboji Region, Iowa, John N. Farmer and David H. Vesole
Books from 1974
The Diamond, September 26, 1974, Dordt College
Submissions from 1973
Reproductive Biology of Weedy and Cultivated Mirabilis (Nyctaginaceae), Robert William Cruden; American Journal of Botany
The Diamond, September 27, 1973, Dordt College
Submissions from 1966
The Anchor, Volume 78.24: April 22, 1966, Hope College
Submissions from 1964
Underneath the Arches, no. 15, May 05, 1964, Grand Valley State College
The Alumnus, v49n3, September 1964, State College of Iowa
Books from 1962
The Diamond, May 17, 1962, Dordt College
The Diamond, October 2, 1962, Dordt College
Lakeside Laboratory Publications 1909-1961, Martin J. Ulmer
Submissions from 1958
Helminths of Fishes from Trumbull Lake, Clay County, Iowa, Fred Paul Meyer
Submissions from 1957
Mixed Colonies in Ants: Third Report, R. L. King and R. M. Sallee
Submissions from 1956
The Cayler Prairie: An Ecologic and Taxonomic Study of a Northwest Iowa Prairie, J. M. Aikman and Robert F. Thorne
The Alumnus, v40n1, February 1956, Iowa State Teachers College
On the Half-Life of Nests of Formica obscuripes Forel., R. L. King and R. M. Sallee
Submissions from 1955
Winged workers in the ant, Formica obscuriventris clivia Creighton, Robert L. King
Submissions from 1954
A Seventeen-Year Study of Plant Succession in Prairie, J. E. Weaver
Submissions from 1953
Additions to and Notes on the Flora of Dickinson County, Iowa, Martin L. Grant
Notes on Iowa Vascular Plants, Martin L. Grant
Trimitus parvus Grasse (Protozoa, Mastigophora) from a garter snake, Thamnophis radix, L. H. Saxe and Eugene M. Schmidt
Submissions from 1952
Macropseudogynes (or Pterergates?) in Formica fossaceps Buren (Formicidae), R. L. King and R. M. Sallee
Submissions from 1951
Preliminary Report on the Distribution of Bottom Organisms in West Lake Okoboji, Iowa, John E. Bardach, John Morrill, and Frank Gambony
A Progress Report on the Study of Perch Movement in Lake Okoboji, Dickinson County, Iowa, Douglas G. Brown and Walter G. Rosen
More Mixed Colonies in Ants, R. L. King and R. M. Sallee
Vegetational Changes in Ungrazed Grassland at the Iowa Lakeside Laboratory., Sylvia Rudman and Richard W. Pohl
Submissions from 1950
Submissions from 1948
Nebraska Bird Review (July-December 1948) 16(2B), WHOLE ISSUE
The Iowa Lakeside Laboratory - A Prairieless Field Laboratory, Ada Hayden
The Alumnus, v32n3, July 1948, Iowa State Teachers College
Submissions from 1947
An Ant Colony which Moved over Two Hundred Feet, R. M. Sallee and R. L. King
Protozoa of Iowa, Fae M. Shawhan, Leland P. Johnson, and Theodore L. Jahn
Submissions from 1945
Summer Birds of the Okoboji Region 1938-1942, Robert L. King
Newspapers from 1943
The Inkwell, Armstrong State University
Spring, March 22, 1943
Submissions from 1939
Connecticut College Alumnae News Vol. 18 No. 1, Connecticut College
The Temperature Cycle in the Okoboji Lakes, Theodore L. Jahn and A. B. Taylor
Submissions from 1938
The Oldest Iowa Tree, W. A. Anderson
Submissions from 1936
Progress in the Regeneration of the Prairie at the Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, W. A. Anderson
Submissions from 1927
On the Temperature of the Bank Swallow, Dayton Stoner
Submissions from 1925
Certain Body Temperature Changes in the Snapping and Painted Turtles, F. M. Baldwin
Ceratophyllum demersum in West Okoboji Lake, Edward N. Jones
Submissions from 1922
Nest-Digging and Egg-Laying Habits of Bell's turtle, Frank A. Stromsten
Submissions from 1920
The Rotatoria of the Lake Okoboji Region, Dwight C. Ensign