"Additions to and Notes on the Flora of Dickinson County, Iowa" by Martin L. Grant

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Dickinson County, Iowa, is one of the northern counties bordering on Minnesota, the third one east from the northwestern corner of the state. Botanically, it is best known for its prairie flora and aquatic habitats. Since the "Dickinson County Flora" (Grant, 1951) was published, there has been opportunity to do further field work there during the summer of 1952, and to examine specimens in the herbaria of Iowa State College (here cited as ISC), the State University of Iowa (SUI), Iowa State Teachers College (ISTC), and the Iowa Lakeside Laboratory on Lake Okoboji in Dickinson Co. (ILL). The writer's specimens are, or will be, deposited in the above collections, and thus are not cited as to location of repository. This paper discusses 96 species of plants with respect to their distribution in Dickinson Co. Thirty-one species (and 15 varieties) are added to the county flora, but 16 are removed, making a net gain of 15, and giving a total of "exactly" 800 species of vascular plants now known from the county. Forty-two species notes are "confirmation records'', meaning that the writer had not seen specimens of them at the time the Dickinson County Flora was compiled. Discussed are one fern, 29 monocots, and 66 dicots, the main groups represented being Potamogeton (3), Gramineae (21), Carex ( 3) , Salix (3), Ranunculaceae (5) , Rosaceae (5), Leguminosae (5), Viola (7),and Compositae (7).

Publication Date


Journal Title

Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science





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©1953 Iowa Academy of Science, Inc.



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