"A Case Study: Factors Contributing to Choice of Group Categorization i" by Diane Joyce Simpson

Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The purpose of this study was to examine the factors contributing to choice of group categorization as described in Poston's (1990) Biracial Identity Development Model in one biracial youth. This problem was approached through a critique of the current literature and grounded on a case study of one subject. A content analysis of the interview data was conducted by utilizing the criteria variables in stage two of Poston's (1990) Biracial Identity Development Model. The case study was used to investigate those factors postulated in stage two of the model, Choice of Group Categorization. It was hypothesized that the biracial child chose a racial identity based on the influence of the status of the primary caregivers, the social supports surrounding the child, and the personal factors concerning the identity of the child. The hypothesis was based on the premise that any combination of the three factors; parental status, social support, and personal attributes are influential in forming racial identity in stage two of Poston's (1990) Biracial Identity Development Model.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Susan Hudson


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1 PDF file (58 pages)


