Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Children's books have been a source of delight to them; they have evoked both tears and laughter from young audiences. The illustrator has come to be a partner in the creation of hooks for children. The term children's literature now includes the efforts of both illustrators and authors. It was not always so. For many years children read adult books because there was no such thing as a storybook for children. When they came, the books for children were dull fare. They were moralizing with few, if any, illustrations.

Gradually illustrators began illustrating books specifically for children. The literary content improved along with the illustrations. This paper concerns three illustrators who have made significant contributions in the field of children's illustrations. Lach artist has contributed a unique part of himself to children and has paved the way for nm, trends in illustrating. William Blake, George Cruikshank, and Maurice Sendak are artists who did not lose contact with tl1e inner child in themselves and, thus, are able to speak naturally to children.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Library Science

First Advisor

C.L. Greve


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