Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


“Assessing Policy Implementation In The Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs: A CaseBy-Case County Analysis” is a research paper dedicated to determining relative efficiency of all 99 counties in Iowa in their mission to serve Veterans in the state through assessing multiple independent variables of County Veteran Service Officers (CVSOs) and their offices, and their respective impact on the dependent variable, their claims density percentages. Claims density percentages are determined by taking each individual county’s reported claims filed, per the “Running Awards by Beneficiaries by County” report produced by the Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA), and dividing that by the reported population of Veterans in each individual county from data collected by the US Census Bureau and US Department of Veterans Affairs. Ultimately, through the method of linear regression analysis on a variety of variables associated with CVSOs and their offices, it proved there is no clear-cut policy recommendation that can be made. However, through feedback given by CVSOs via long-responses, there are potentially diverse policy recommendations that can be implemented in the state of Iowa to better serve the Veteran community.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Public Policy


Department of Political Science


A PowerPoint presentation related to this graduate research paper is available as a supplemental file attached to this record.

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (69 pages)
