Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The concept of the computer has had a great impact upon society and individuals. An ever increasing number of uses has been found for the computer. One of the possible uses ls particularly noteable--its use as an aid to teaching. The computer is a tool which can be used to enhance the educational system. The nature of the computer can be summed up in only a few words: "It does so well the work it is asked to do, because it is told how to do that work by means of a 'stored program' of instructions." The great benefit of the computer is that it will carry out every task defined to it in programed format with accuracy, precision, and speed. With these qualifications, the computer can find a role to play in education. As educators, librarians must realize that the future use of computers in the library as an aid to education is inevitable.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Library Science

First Advisor

C. L. Greve


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1 PDF file (17 pages)



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