Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Francis Galton (1869) was the first to suggest the scaling of human general intelligence, distinguishing fourteen grades ranging from the most illustrious and eminent to imbeciles and idiots. He sought to show that such intelligence was mainly hereditarily determined, although he was that most brilliant individuals were reared in intellectually stimulating environments. Charles Spearman, an officer in the British Army and a man of great military tradi tion, likewise became interested in the nature of intelligence. Comparatively late in life he became a professor at the University of London, where he built a world-famous psychological research center. Spearman asked himself whether intelligence should be considered a single entity rather than a grouping of apparently unrelated abilities, as had been thought to be tho case by the test makers near the turn of' the century, most notably Alfred Binet. The originator of factor analysis, Spearman proposed in 1927 that all individuals possess a general intelligence factor (called g) in varying amounts. A person would be described as bright or dull depending upon the amount of g. Accordingly, Spearman felt the g factor to be the major determinant of performance on intelligence test items.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Department of Educational Psychology and Foundations

First Advisor

Stephen Fortgang

Second Advisor

Harley E. Erickson

Third Advisor

Lawrence L. Kavich


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