Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


My perception of what an administrator is and does has gone through a great evolution since my first encounter with a principal as a student in junior high school. When in junior high, the principal was someone you didn't want to go see. This changed in high school when I thought the principal just took care of discipline problems, organized things, and sat in his or her office waiting for problems to arise. The evolution continued when as a teacher, I saw the principal as the boss, the disciplinarian, the controller of the budget, the problem-solver, the evaluator and the person in charge of scheduling. However, as an aspiring administrator, I have been exposed to a whole new framework of complex roles, duties, and skills needed and performed by the principal of the '90. In this reflective paper, I will concentrate on three areas necessary to be a successful principal: manager, communicator, and leader.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Department of Educational Administration and Counseling

First Advisor

Dave Else


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Date Original


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1 PDF file (23 leaves)



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