Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


School administrators--Attitudes; Teacher-administrator relationships; Student-administrator relationships;


The role of the principal has changed significantly over the last twenty years. Today's principal is always multi-tasking, changing gears and changing roles over the course of a day. Leadership must come from the inside out instead of top down. To fulfill this role, an effective principal must adhere to their personal philosophy and belief of education as well as live and model with ethical consideration. Philosophy and ethics will guide specific qualities of leadership that will prove to be effective in the management of an effectively run school. The principal must be a reflective leader who can promote and implement change while maintaining instructional integrity. The principal must be willing to be a service leader who practices and models to their faculty and students a willingness to do what is necessary for all vested participants in a school. Sergiovanni (1984) calls it a "community of learners" where teachers, administrators, parents, students become collectively responsible for envisioning and implementing school reform. Creating shared leadership creates a culture that works together for a common vision and goal. A goal should be to make sure that students have an optimal opportunity to receive an education from knowledgeable and thoughtful teachers in a setting that safe and focused on student learning.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Educational Leadership, Counseling, and Postsecondary Education

First Advisor

Victoria L. Robinson


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