"Alcohol education: Are we providing what is needed?" by Nina Renee Coulson

Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


"Alcohol abuse in the United States is a pervasive problem effecting many children and their families. 1 There are 100 million drinkers in the United States, and 10 million are chronic abusers; drunk drivers kill 28,000 people each year on the nation's highways; alcohol is associated with about 69% of all drownings; it is a factor in approximately 70% of all deaths and 63% of all injuries from falls; and $19 billion a year is lost to business, government, and industry because of decreased work productivity caused by alcohol abuse" (Channing L. Bete Co., 1984, p.209). These statistics show a great need for some type of help. Fifteen million youngsters in the United States who live with alcoholic parents exist with many of the following symptoms; lack of attention, trouble with concentration, growing up too soon, "walking on pins and needles", "keeping it all inside", embarrassment, shame, and guilt (Ackerman, 1978). According to Cork (1969), both familial and peer relationships suffered. Schoolwork was seriously affected, and there was lack of trust of all adults. The majority of youngsters had little self-confidence and were anxious and easily upset by unexpected situations. Hindman (1975-76) summarizes several studies of child abuse and neglect and found alcoholism in as many as 90% of the cases. Children from alcoholic environments suffer from a high incidence 2 of behaviorial (sic), emotional, and psychological problems, not to mention the high risk of becoming "problem drinkers" themselves or choosing an alcoholic spouse (Newlon and Furrow, 1986). As many as 50% to 60% of the children of alcoholics will become alcoholics themselves or will marry one.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Department of Educational Administration and Counseling

First Advisor

Robert L. Frank


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