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Open Access Thesis


Operas--Vocal scores without accompaniment;


Numerous operettas with Christmas themes, some sacred, some secular, some employing familiar carols, and some entirely original in both text and lyrics have been written for the elementary grades and junior high. There are many pageants depicting Christmas customs and using carols from many countries of the world. However, an investigation of available material has not revealed an operetta based strictly on carols and customs of just one country. The carols and customs of Old England three and four centuries ago are particularly interesting because of the fact that our founding fathers came from the shores of that country, and while they attempted to throw off the political and religious yoke of their native land, those elements of tradition and of aesthetic value could not be abolished. So we have today the fine old carols which are musically unique and which reveal a great deal regarding the Christmas customs and traditions of England several centuries ago as well as of the present day.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


School of Music

First Advisor

Myron Russell

Second Advisor

Emil Bock

Third Advisor

Herbert V. Hake


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Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (134 leaves)--Abstract



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Music Commons
