Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis




My recent interest in the use of cubic forms and rectangular solids led to the use of shapes that have a dynamic emphasis through the horizontal and vertical stresses of movement which interact in terms of structural and spatial dynamics. I have organized these shapes around an imaginary vertical axis which tends to produce a stasis or symmetrical equilibrium. Through the medium of photomontage I have created a series of sculptural juxtapositions or interactions between my work and several local environments. An important outgrowth of my creative work has been the mobility in scale that a piece appears to have when it functions as a plastic element in architectural settings. Many aesthetic decisions were made as I sought to relate my pieces to particular sites. Photographs show the interest and variety of solutions that I have found to the problem of relationship concerning sculpture and architectural environments. I have found that the stabilization of interaction between the piece and its site became the most interesting and creative aspect of the problem considered.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Art

First Advisor

Donald Finegan

Second Advisor

J. F. Kimball

Third Advisor

James Griffiths


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Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (29 leaves)



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Sculpture Commons
