Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science | Vol 91 | No. 4

Volume 91, Number 4 (1984)

Issue cover date: December 1984

Front Matter



Status of Four Orchid Species at Silver Lake Fen Complex p. 132-139
Sara Carroll, Robert L. Miller, and Paul D. Whitson


Late-Winter Abundance and Substrate Associations of Benthos in Pool 13, Upper Mississippi River p. 147-152
Wayne A. Hubert, Gene E. Darnell, and Daniel E. Dolk

Back Matter


Marilyn D. Bachmann
Roger W. Bachmann
Managing Editors
Robert W. Hanson
James G. Macmillan
Associate Editors
Richard M. Shibles, Agricultural Sciences
Donald R. Farrar, Botany
Louis B. Best, Conservation
Paul L. Garvin, Geological Sciences and Anthropology/Archeology
Bruce Friedrich, Physical. Sciences and Mathematics
William D. Klipec, Social Sciences and Education
Nixon Wilson, Zoology