Wallace Hettle, a history professor at the University of Northern Iowa, compiled a collection of approximately 60 primary source transcriptions related to the Union homefront during the Civil War. The Union Homefront: A History in Documents collects excerpts from letters, newspapers, poems, speeches, etc., along with brief introductions that examine the circumstances and biases of each source. Professor Hettle wrote brief introductions that examine the circumstances and biases of each source. A period photograph, the source citation and the document are included in each entry. This Open Educational Resource collection is intended to be used by K-12 and higher education educators. The source materials are in the public domain. Most of the public domain images in the entries are from the Digital Collections of the Library of Congress with the rest of the images from Hathitrust and Internet Archive. The compilation with introduction of each entry has been assigned a Creative Commons Noncommerical 4.0 attribution license. This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the original work as long as they credit Wallace Hettle for the original creation. Image credit: The image on the homepage is from the Library of Congress: Fish, G. G., Artist, Soule, John P, photographer. Hopes and fears / From the original by G.G. Fish; Photo. and pub. by J.P. Soule, Boston. United States, 1864. [Boston: Photo. and pub. by J.P. Soule] Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2022630873/.
In this collection there are 61 entries covering the period of the Civil War (1861-1865). The source documents are arranged by the year. To browse all of the entries, see the records listed below which are arranged in chronological order. OR Click one of the years listed to retrieve the entries for the specific year of the Civil War.
01. 1861 - John Brown Song
Wallace Hettle and Anonymous
Document citation:
Simonds, Phillip. John Brown’s Song. Boston: Russell & Patee, 1861, pg. 1-3.
Retrieved From: https://lccn.loc.gov/2023783905
02. 1861 - A Riot in Baltimore (3 documents)
Wallace Hettle , ed.; Lucius Chittenden; Edward F. Jones (Colonel); and George William Brown (Mayor)
Document 1 citation:
Chittenden, Lucius E. Recollections of President Abraham Lincoln and His Administration. New York: Harper & Bros., 1891, pg. 37-39.
Retrieved From: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000566606.
Document 2 citation:
Jones, Edward F. “Report of Colonel Edward F. Jones, Sixth Massachusetts Militia. April 22, 1861.” In The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records, Series 1, Volume 2, pg. 7-9, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1880-1901.
Retrieved From: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000625514
Document 3 citation:
Brown, [Mayor] George William. Baltimore and the 19th of April, 1861. Baltimore: Isaac Friedenwald, 1887, pg. 49-51.
Retrieved From: https://lccn.loc.gov/rc01003453
03. 1861 - The Holy War - Harriet Beecher Stowe
Harriet Beecher Stowe in and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Stowe, Harriet Beecher. “The Holy War,” The Independent (New York), May 9, 1861, pg. 1.
Retrieved From: https://archive.org/details/pub_independent
04. 1861 - First Inaugural Address - Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln in and Wallace Hettle (Ed.)
Document citation:
Lincoln, Abraham. “First Inaugural Address” March, 1861.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/mal0773800/
05. 1861 - Morals of Our Soldiers - W.H.
Wallace Hettle and Christian Recorder
Document citation:
W.H. “Morals of Our Soldiers,” The Christian Recorder (Philadelphia), August 31, 1861, pg. 4.
Retrieved From: https://archive.org/details/payneamec
06. 1861 - Kentucky Civil War Neutrality Proclamation - Beriah Magoffin
Wallace Hettle and Beriah Magoffin
Document citation:
Magoffin, [Governor] Beriah. Proclamation by the Governor of Kentucky, May 20, 1861.
Retrieved From: https://idn.duke.edu/ark:/87924/r41g0m071.
07. 1861 - The Vacant Chair
Wallace Hettle and George Root
Document citation:
Root, George F. and H.S.W. “The Vacant Chair” Chicago: Root & Cady, 1861.
Retrieved From: https://lccn.loc.gov/2023783845
08. 1861 - The Land of Promise
Wallace Hettle and Illinois Staat-Zeitung
Document citation:
“The Battle for Freedom and American Citizens of German Descent” Illinois Staats-Zeitung (Illinois), July 26, 1861.
Retrieved From: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/008717782
09. 1861 - The Pathfinder - J.C. Fremont
Wallace Hettle and John C. Fremont
Document citation:
Fremont, J.C. “Proclamation from Major-General J.C. Fremont. August 30, 1861” in The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records, Series 1, Volume 3, pg. 466-467, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1880-1901.
Retrieved From: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000625514
10. 1861 - Solution of the Negro Question
Wallace Hettle and James Henry Lane
Document citation:
"Gen. Lane and his Solution of the Negro Question," New York (NY) World, November 19, 1861, p. 1.
11. 1861 - Bread and the Newspaper - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
Wallace Hettle and Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
Document citation:
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. “Bread and the Newspaper,” Atlantic Monthly (Massachusetts), September 1861, pg. 346-352.
Retrieved From: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1861/09/bread-and-the-newspaper/308748/
12. 1861 - General William T. Sherman Insane
Wallace Hettle and Cincinnati Commercial
Document citation:
“Gen. William T. Sherman Insane.” Cincinnati Daily Commercial (Ohio), December 11, 1861, pg. 2.
13. 1861 - The Battle Set in Array - Henry Ward Beecher
Wallace Hettle and Henry Ward Beecher (Reverend)
Document citation:
Beecher, Henry Ward. Patriotic Addresses in America and England from 1850 to 1885, on Slavery, the Civil War, and the Development of Civil Liberty in the United States. New York: Fords, Howard & Hulbert, 1887, p. 277-288.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/14020036/
14. 1862 - Representative Thaddeus Stevens
Wallace Hettle and Thaddeus Stevens
Document citation:
Stevens, Thaddeus. “Untitled. January 22, 1862” In The Congressional Globe: The 37th Congress - The Second Session, edited by John C. Rives, 439-441. Washington: Congressional Globe Office, 1862.
Retrieved From: https://www.congress.gov/browse/37th-congress
15. 1862 - The Battle Hymn of the Republic - Julia Ward Howe
Wallace Hettle and Julia Ward Howe
Document citation:
Howe, Julia Ward. “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” The Atlantic Monthly (Massachusetts), February 1862, Vol. IX: No. LII.
Retrieved From: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/toc/1862/02/
16. 1862 - Letter to Abraham Lincoln - Ellen E. Sherman
Wallace Hettle and Ellen E. Sherman
Document citation:
Sherman, Ellen E. Letter to Abraham Lincoln, January 9, 1862.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/mal1390400/
17. 1862 - Transcontinental Railroad - Sioux City Register
Wallace Hettle and Sioux City Register
Document citation:
Bliss, P. “Pacific Railroad.” Sioux City Register (Iowa), January 18, 1862, p. 1.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/sn84031042/1862-01-18/ed-1/
18. 1862 - Senator Samuel C. Pomeroy
Wallace Hettle and Samuel C. Pomeroy
Document citation:
Pomeroy, Samuel C. “Untitled. May 7, 1862” In The Congressional Globe: The 37th Congress - The Second Session, edited by John C. Rives, 1938-1940. Washington: Congressional Globe Office, 1862.
Retrieved From: https://www.congress.gov/browse/37th-congress
19. 1862 - The Prayer of Twenty Millions - Horace Greeley
Wallace Hettle and Horace Greeley
Document citation:
Greeley, Horace. “The Prayer of Twenty Millions.” New York Daily Tribune (New York), August 20, 1862, pg. 4.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/sn83030213/1862-08-20/ed-1/
20. 1862 - Letter to Horace Greeley - Abraham Lincoln
Wallace Hettle and Abraham Lincoln
Document citation:
Lincoln, Abraham. “President Lincoln’s Letter.” New York Daily Tribune (New York), August, 25, 1862, p. 4.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/sn83030213/1862-08-25/ed-1/
21. 1862 - Proclamation and the Negro Army - Frederick Douglass
Wallace Hettle and Frederick Douglass
Document citation:
Douglas, Frederick. “The Proclamation and A Negro Army, Speech Delivered February 1863” in The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass Vol. 3, edited by Philip Foner, 321-337. New York: International Publishers Co., 1952.
22. 1862 - The President’s Proclamation - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Wallace Hettle and Ralph Waldo Emerson
Document citation:
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. “The President’s Proclamation.” Atlantic Monthly (Massachusetts), November 1862, p. 638-642
Retrieved From: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1862/11/the-presidents-proclamation/306550
23. 1862 - To the Editor of the N.Y. Tribune - Lydia Maria Child
Wallace Hettle and Lydia Maria Child
Document citation:
Child, L. Maria. “A Letter from L. Maria Child.” New York Daily Tribune (New York), September 5, 1862, p. 9.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/sn83030213/1862-09-03/ed-1/
24. 1862 - What They Have to Do Who Stay at Home - Frederick Law Olmsted
Wallace Hettle and Frederick Law Olmsted
Document citation:
Olmsted, Fred. Law. “What They Have to do Who Stay at Home - October 21, 1862” In Documents of the Sanitary Commission Vol. 1, no. 50 p.1-12. New York: United States Sanitary Commission, 1866.
Retrieved From: https://archive.org/details/b20413257_0001
25. 1862 - Letter to Abraham Lincoln - John Pope
Wallace Hettle and John Pope
Document citation:
Pope, John. Telegram to Abraham Lincoln, November 11, 1862.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/mal1950700/
26. 1862 - Six Weeks in the Sioux Teepees - Mrs. Sarah F. Wakefield
Wallace Hettle and Sarah F. Wakefield Mrs.
Document citation:
Wakefield, Sarah F. Six Weeks in the Sioux Tepees. Minneapolis: Atlas Print. Co., 1863.
27. 1862 - Chiefly About War Matters, By a Peaceable Man - Nathaniel Hawthorne
Wallace Hettle and Nathaniel Hawthorne
Document citation:
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. “Chiefly About War Matters. By a Peaceable Man.” Atlantic Monthly (Massachusetts), July 1862, p. 43-61.
Retrieved From: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1862/07/chiefly-about-war-matters/306159/
28. 1862 - The Indian Imbroglio, Abraham Lincoln, Don’t you do it! - Andrew J. Van Vorhes
Wallace Hettle and Andrew J. Van Vorhes
Document citation:
“The Indian Imbroglio — Abraham Lincoln, Don’t you do it!” The Stillwater Messenger (Minnesota), November 11, 1862, p. 2.
Retrieved From: https://archive.org/details/jan1186123thes/page/n5/mode/1up.
29. 1863 - How a Free People Conduct a Long War - Charles J. Stillé
Wallace Hettle and Charles J. Stillé
Document citation:
Stille, Charles J. How a Free People Conduct a Long War. New York: Loyal Publication Society, 1863.
Retrieved From: https://archive.org/details/howfreepeople00stille
30. 1863 - My Imprisonment - Rose O’Neal Greenhow
Wallace Hettle and Rose O'Neal Greenhow
Document citation:
Greenhow, Rose O’Neal. My Imprisonment and The First Year of Abolition Rule in Washington. London: Richard Bentley, 1863, p. 220-222.
Retrieved From: https://archive.org/details/myimprisonmentfi00gree/page/n7/mode/2up
31. 1863 - Fancy Books - Private Circular. For Gentlemen Only
Wallace Hettle and Anonymous
Document citation:
Broadside Leaflet: Private Circular, For Gentleman Only, n. d.. n.p. 1870.
32. 1863 - Copperhead - Clement Vallandigham
Wallace Hettle and Clement Vallandigham
Document citation:
Speech of Hon. Clement L. Vallandigham of Ohio in the House of Representatives,
February 23, 1863, Congressional Globe: 37th Congress: 3d Session, House of Representatives, 172-77.
33. 1863 - Man without a Country - Edward Everett Hale
Wallace Hettle and Edward Everett Hale
Document citation:
Edward Everett Hale. “The Man Without a Country,” Atlantic Monthly (Massachusetts), December 1863, pg. 665-679.
Retrieved From: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1863/12/the-man-without-a-country/308751/
34. 1863 - The Sleeping Sentinel, William Scott - Frances De Haes Janvier
Wallace Hettle and Frances De Haes Janvier
Document Citation:
Janvier, Francies De Haes. The Sleeping Sentinel. Philadelphia: T.B. Peterson & Brothers, 1863.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/20013295/
35. 1863 - Battle of Gettysburg - Rachel Carmany
Wallace Hettle and Rachel Carmany
Document citation:
Mohr, James C. and Robert E. Winslow III, eds. The Cormany Diaries: A Northern Family in the Civil War. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1982, pg. 329-341
36. 1863 - The Prayer of One Hundred Thousand - Charles Sumner & The Women’s National League
Wallace Hettle, Charles Sumner, and Susan B. Anthony
Document citation:
Sumner, Charles. The prayer of one hundred thousand. Speech of Hon. Chas. Sumner on the presentation of the first installment of the emancipation petition of the women's national league… New York: 1864.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/95123535/
37. 1863 - Be My Mother Till I Die - Elmer Ruan Coates
Wallce Hettle and Elmer Ruan Coates
Document Citation:
Be My Mother Till I Die By Elmer Ruan Coates. Philadelphia: Johnson, 18??.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/amss-cw100570/
38. 1863 - Letter to President Lincoln - A. E. Rutdge
Wallace Hettle, A. E. Rutdge, and R. K. Scott
Document citation:
Rutdge, A.E. A.E. Rutdge to Abraham Lincoln: Complains about failure of post office to deliver letters reporting that her son had been seriously wounded. New Jersey: August 19, 1863.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/mal2571200/.
39. 1863 - Notice of Petition for Divorce - Mary Ellen Montgomery
Wallace Hettle and Mary Ellen Montgomery
Document citation:
“Notice of Petition for Divorce” The Emporia News (Kansas), September 19, 1863, pg. 3.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/sn82016419/1863-09-19/ed-1/.
40. 1863 - Barbara Frietchie - John Greenlef Whittier
Wallace Hettle and John Greenleaf Whittier
Document citation:
Whittier, John Greenleaf. “Barbara Frietchie,” Atlantic Monthly (Massachusetts) October 1863, pg. 495-497.
Retrieved From: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1863/10/barbara-frietchie/303951/
41. 1864 - Consumer Goods (2 Documents)
Wallace Hettle, Harper's Weekly, and Portland Daily Express
Document citations
Document 1:
Harper’s Weekly: A Journal of Civilization (New York), January 30, 1864, pg. 16.
Retrieved From: https://archive.org/details/sim_harpers-weekly_1864-01-02_8_366/mode/2up.
Document 2:
“Another Victory! The Good Time has Come!” The Portland Daily Press (Maine), May 20, 1864, pg. 2.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/sn83016025/1864-05-20/ed-1/
42. 1864 - The Mission of War - Frederick Douglass
Wallace Hettle and Frederick Douglass
Document citation:
Douglass, Frederick. “The Mission of the War: A Lecture,” New-York Daily Tribune (New York), January 14, 1864, pg. 1-2.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/sn83030213/1864-01-14/ed-1/
43. 1864 - Vassar College: Women’s Own - Milo P. Jewett
Wallce Hettle and Milo P. Jewett
Document citation:
Jewett, Milo P. "Vassar College: Women's Own," Speech Delivered Before the Trustees at Their Meeting, February 23, 1864.
44. 1864 - Slave Narratives (2 Documents)
Wallace Hettle, Amelia Jones, and Byers York
Document citations
Document 1:
“Amelia Jones” in Federal Writers’ Project. Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves, Vol. 7. Washington: Library of Congress, 1941, pg. 11-12.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/mesn070/
Document 2:
“Susan Dale Sanders” in Federal Writers’ Project. Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves, Vol. 7. Washington: Library of Congress, 1941, pg. 17-18.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/mesn070/
45. 1864 - Song of the Working-Women - Ann S. Stephens
Wallace Hettle and Ann S. Stephens
Document citation:
Fincher’s Trades Review, April 2, 1864.
46. 1864 - Letter to Abraham Lincoln - A. M. Gilford
Wallace Hettle and A. M. Gilford
Document citation:
Gilford, A.M. A. M. Gilford to Abraham Lincoln: Does Not Want Her Son to be Drafted. Illinois: August 23, 1864.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/mal3550700/.
47. 1864 - Republican Party Platform - Edward Stanwood
Wallace Hettle and Edward Stanwood
Document citation:
“The War Election” in Stanwood, Edward. A History of Presidential Elections. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1892, pg. 242-243.
Retrieved From: https://hdl.handle.net/2027/uc1.b3635980
48. 1864 - Miscegenation: The Theory of the Blending of the Races - Anonymus
Wallace Hettle and Anonymous
Document citation:
Miscegenation: The Theory of the Blending of the Races, applied to the American White Man and Negro, p. 48-60. New York: H. Dexter, Hamilton & Co., 1864.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/05009520/
49. 1864 - Letter of George B. McClellan in Acceptance of the Nomination of the Chicago Convention
Wallace Hettle and George B. McClellan
Document citation:
McClellan, George B. Letter of Geo. B. McClellan in acceptance of the nomination Chicago Convention. New Jersey: September 8, 1864.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/scsm000266/.
50. 1864 - Elmira Prison Camp (8 Documents)
Wallace Hettle, Benjamin Munger, William Hoffman, Seth Eastman, Eugene F. Sanger, William P. Jordan, B. F. Tracy, and Miles Sherrill
Document citations:
Documents 1-7:
The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records, Series 2, Volume 7, pg. 691-1273, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1880-1901.
Retrieved From: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000625514
Document 8:
Sherrill, Miles. A Soldier’s Story: Prison Life and Other Incidents in the War of 1861-1865. North Carolina: Newton Enterprise, 1904?, pg. 9-11.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/05033190/
51. 1864 - Female Students at Medical Colleges
Wallace Hettle and New York Times
Document citation:
“Female Students at Medical Colleges.” The New York Times (New York), December 6, 1864, pg. 4.
Retrieved From: https://www.nytimes.com/1864/12/06/archives/female-students-at-medical-colleges.html?searchResultPosition=3
52. 1864 - Address Delivered at Buffalo, N.Y. - William H. Sylvis
Wallace Hettle and William H. Sylvis
Document citation:
Sylvis, William H. “Address Delivered at Buffalo, N.Y., January, 1864.” In The Life, Speeches, Labors, and Essays of William H. Sylvis, edited by James Sylvis, pg. 104-114. Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen and Haffelfinger, 1872
Retrieved From: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000956471
53. 1865 - The Question of Lady Doctors: Views of a Regular Physician
Wallace Hettle and The New York Times
Document citation:
“The Question of Lady Doctors.” The New York Times (New York), January, 8, 1865, pg. 5.
Retrieved From: https://www.nytimes.com/1865/01/08/archives/the-question-of-lady-doctors.html?searchResultPosition=18
54. 1865 - The Question of Female Physicians: What Ladies of the Old School Think About It
Wallace Hettle and The New York Times
Document citation:
“The Question of Female Physicians.” The New York Times (New York), January 15, 1865, pg. 5.
Retrieved From: https://www.nytimes.com/1865/01/15/archives/the-question-of-female-physicians.html?searchResultPosition=33
55. 1865 - Experience of Eighteen Years in Slavery - Mattie J. Jackson
Wallace Hettle, Mattie J. Jackson, and L. S. Thompson
Document citation:
Thompson, L.S. and Jackson, Mattie J. The Story of Mattie J. Jackson: Her Parentage—Experience of Eighteen Years in Slavery—Incidents During the War—Her Escape from Slavery. Lawrence: Sentinel Office, 1866, pg. 30.
Retrieved From: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/17827
56. 1865 - Second Inaugural Address - Abraham Lincoln
Wallace Hettle and Abraham Lincoln
Document citation:
Lincoln, Abraham. “Second Inaugural Address.” March 4, 1865.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/mal4361300/
57. 1865 - White House Funeral for Lincoln - Phineas Gurley
Wallace Hettle and Phineas Gurley
Document citation:
Gurley, Phineas. “The Funeral Oration.” The New York Herald (New York), April 20, 1865, pg. 5.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/sn83030313/1865-04-20/ed-1/
58. 1865 - Celebration in Memory of Abraham Lincoln - WM. Howard Day
Wallace Hettle and WM. Howard Day
Document citation:
Day, WM. Howard. “Oration.” In Celebration by the Colored People's Educational Monument Association in memory of Abraham Lincoln, on the Fourth of July, in the Presidential grounds, Washington, D.C. by The Colored People’s Educational Monument Association, pg. 14-17. Washington, D.C.: McGill & Witherow, 1865.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/12030032/
59. 1865 - Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
Wallace Hettle and Louisa May Alcott
Document citation:
Alcott, Louisa May. Little Women; or Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy: Part First. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1868, pg. 7-9.
Retrieved From: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001421435
60. 1865 - O Captain! My Captain! - Walt Whitman
Wallace Hettle and Walt Whitman
Document citation:
“O Captain! My Captain!” In Leaves of Grass, Walt Whitman, pg. 262-263. London: David Bogue, 1881.
Retrieved From: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/100142634
61. 1865 - The Resources and Prospects of America - Sir Samuel M. Peto
Wallace Hettle and Samuel M. Peto
Document citation:
Peto, Samuel M. The Resources and Prospects of America Ascertained During a Visit to the States in the Autumn of 1865. London: Alexander Strahan, 1866, pg. 386-92.
Retrieved From: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/006594314