This collection contains the entries written or created in 1863, the third year of the Civil war, for the Union Homefront collection compiled by Wallace Hettle, a history professor at the University of Northern Iowa.
This collection is a subset of the larger Union Homefront: A History in Documents collection.
29. 1863 - How a Free People Conduct a Long War - Charles J. Stillé
Charles J. Stillé and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Stille, Charles J. How a Free People Conduct a Long War. New York: Loyal Publication Society, 1863.
Retrieved From: https://archive.org/details/howfreepeople00stille
30. 1863 - My Imprisonment - Rose O’Neal Greenhow
Rose O'Neal Greenhow and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Greenhow, Rose O’Neal. My Imprisonment and The First Year of Abolition Rule in Washington. London: Richard Bentley, 1863, p. 220-222.
Retrieved From: https://archive.org/details/myimprisonmentfi00gree/page/n7/mode/2up
31. 1863 - Fancy Books - Private Circular. For Gentlemen Only
Anonymous and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Broadside Leaflet: Private Circular, For Gentleman Only, n. d.. n.p. 1870.
32. 1863 - Copperhead - Clement Vallandigham
Clement Vallandigham and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Speech of Hon. Clement L. Vallandigham of Ohio in the House of Representatives,
February 23, 1863, Congressional Globe: 37th Congress: 3d Session, House of Representatives, 172-77.
33. 1863 - Man without a Country - Edward Everett Hale
Edward Everett Hale and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Edward Everett Hale. “The Man Without a Country,” Atlantic Monthly (Massachusetts), December 1863, pg. 665-679.
Retrieved From: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1863/12/the-man-without-a-country/308751/
34. 1863 - The Sleeping Sentinel, William Scott - Frances De Haes Janvier
Frances De Haes Janvier and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document Citation:
Janvier, Francies De Haes. The Sleeping Sentinel. Philadelphia: T.B. Peterson & Brothers, 1863.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/20013295/
35. 1863 - Battle of Gettysburg - Rachel Carmany
Rachel Carmany and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Mohr, James C. and Robert E. Winslow III, eds. The Cormany Diaries: A Northern Family in the Civil War. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1982, pg. 329-341
36. 1863 - The Prayer of One Hundred Thousand - Charles Sumner & The Women’s National League
Charles Sumner, Susan B. Anthony, and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Sumner, Charles. The prayer of one hundred thousand. Speech of Hon. Chas. Sumner on the presentation of the first installment of the emancipation petition of the women's national league… New York: 1864.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/95123535/
37. 1863 - Be My Mother Till I Die - Elmer Ruan Coates
Elmer Ruan Coates and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document Citation:
Be My Mother Till I Die By Elmer Ruan Coates. Philadelphia: Johnson, 18??.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/amss-cw100570/
38. 1863 - Letter to President Lincoln - A. E. Rutdge
A. E. Rutdge, R. K. Scott, and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Rutdge, A.E. A.E. Rutdge to Abraham Lincoln: Complains about failure of post office to deliver letters reporting that her son had been seriously wounded. New Jersey: August 19, 1863.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/mal2571200/.
39. 1863 - Notice of Petition for Divorce - Mary Ellen Montgomery
Mary Ellen Montgomery and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
“Notice of Petition for Divorce” The Emporia News (Kansas), September 19, 1863, pg. 3.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/sn82016419/1863-09-19/ed-1/.
40. 1863 - Barbara Frietchie - John Greenlef Whittier
John Greenleaf Whittier and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Whittier, John Greenleaf. “Barbara Frietchie,” Atlantic Monthly (Massachusetts) October 1863, pg. 495-497.
Retrieved From: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1863/10/barbara-frietchie/303951/