Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science: JIAS | Vol 103 | No. 1

Volume 103, Number 1-2 (1996)

Issue cover date: January-June 1996

Front Matter



A Potential Understory Flora for Oak Savanna in Iowa p. 9-28
Karl T. Delong and Craig Hooper


Life History and Status Classifications of Birds Breeding in Iowa p. 34-45
Louis B. Best, Kathryn E. Freemark, Barbara S. Steiner, and Timothy M. Bergin


Current Status of the Plains Pocket Mouse, Perognathus flavescens, in Iowa p. 52-55
Gregory M. Wilson, John B. Bowles, and Justin W. Van Zee

Back Matter


Neil P. Bernstein
Managing Editor
Paul E. Rider
Associate Editors
Richard M. Shibles, Agricultural Sciences
Donald R. Farrar, Botany
Louis B. Best, Conservation
Paul L. Garvin, Geological Sciences and Anthropology/Archeology
James G. Macmillan, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
William D. Klipec, Social Sciences and Education
Robert D. Seager, Zoology