Graduate Research Papers
Open Access Graduate Research Paper
This study was designed to conduct a needs assessment specific to screening programs and preventive health efforts for patients of two Rural Health Clinics in central Iowa.
Questionnaires were distributed in Rural Health Clinics in Grundy Center and Reinbeck, IA. Respondents were asked to evaluate preventive and screening program availability, by answering questions on respondents' use and interest in medical services. The data, which were analyzed using descriptive statistics, indicated the following:
1. Educational and preventive health resources are underutilized at these Rural Health Clinic Sites.
2. The most utilized screening tool at both clinic sites is the blood pressure option.
3. Utilization ranged from 0% to 100% having received specific educational or preventive health screening.
The results of this study demonstrate to primary care practitioners' areas of deficiency in medical services or areas which could be improved upon. Furthermore, this study seems to support the theory that decreased access and availability are deterrents for the provision of enhanced health care.
Year of Submission
Degree Name
Master of Arts
Division of Health Promotion and Education
First Advisor
Sue A. Joslyn
Date Original
Object Description
1 PDF (vi, 44 pages)
©1999 April Ann Holven Graveman
Recommended Citation
Graveman, April Ann Holven, "Patients’ Perceived Needs Specific to Educational and Preventive Efforts in Two Rural Iowa Health Clinics: A Needs Analysis" (1999). Graduate Research Papers. 4505.
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