Graduate Research Papers
Open Access Graduate Research Paper
School-based health centers can provide primary and preventive health care services to students and families while reducing lost school and work time, removing barriers to health care, and promoting family involvement. The research indicates by utilizing a multidisciplinary staff, with interest in prevention and expertise in adolescent health care, anticipatory guidance and appropriate interventions can increase efficiency and effectiveness of preventive health care (Brindis, Kapphahn, McCarter, & Wolfe, 1995; Brindis & Sanghvi, 1997; Key, 2002; Santelli, Morreale, Wigton, & Grason, 1996; Shuler, 2000; Wang, 2000). In addition to staff, the location of the health center also helps to promote and enhance the delivery of health care to this population. Since access to health care is critical for the youth at risk, obstacles such as lack of transportation, money, health insurance, and knowledge about preventive health care can keep individuals and families from obtaining the services that they may need (Baquiran, Webber, & Appel, 2002; Brindis et al., 1995; Brindis & Sanghvi, 1997; Carpenter & Mueller, 2001; Santelli et al., 1996; Young, D'Angelo, & Davis, 2001; Wolk & Kaplan, 1993).
Senior Vice President of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and former Assistant Surgeon General, Michael McGinnis, M.D. said, "Outside of the home, schools offer the single most important place in the lives of our children. It makes sense to teach them healthy behaviors where they learn other essentials, and it's logical to place health care services where young people can most conveniently find them" (CHHC, 2001, p.1).
Year of Submission
Degree Name
Master of Arts
School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services
First Advisor
Dennis Cryer
Date Original
Object Description
1 PDF (v, 58 pages)
©2003 Diane Lemon Weliver Hoffman
File Format
Recommended Citation
Hoffman, Diane Lemon Weliver, "A Historical Review of the School-Based Health Center in Black Hawk County" (2003). Graduate Research Papers. 4405.
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