"Self-Esteem & Developmental Assets: An Examination of the Pertinent Li" by Angela Gorsuch

Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Adolescent development has been studied heavily as scholars have sought to understand the process of biological, emotional, and cognitive development during the transition from childhood and adulthood. Research has often focused on one indicator, self-esteem, on how well young people navigate this transitional period in their lives. Scholars have agreed that self-esteem is a reflection of a young person's psychological well-being during adolescence. High self-esteem generally indicates an adolescent is successfully handling these critical years of development and is exhibiting positive qualities and behaviors. On the reverse, low self-esteem is often an indication an adolescent may not be negotiating this transition positively and is likely to be engaging in negative behaviors.

The idea of developmental assets is a relatively new concept in the field of adolescent development. Created by the Search Institute, a leader in child and adolescent research, developmental assets provide a framework that pulls together factors that have long been considered influences and indicators of a young person's healthy development.

This study examined the literature regarding the relationship between self-esteem and developmental assets in adolescents. This comprehensive review found that many of the individual assets were closely linked with self-esteem. In addition, this review found a relationship between the behavioral outcomes of both self-esteem and developmental assets. Both adolescents with higher levels of self-esteem and adolescents who report experiencing a higher number of developmental assets both exhibit positive behaviors. On the other side, adolescents with lower levels of self-esteem and those who report experiencing fewer developmental assets are more likely to engage in high-risk and undesirable behavior.

Additional research could study whether the relationship between developmental assets and self-esteem follows a consistent and parallel pattern over the span of the adolescent years.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Christopher Edginton


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