Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The position of athletic directors is one of the top administrative posts within the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA). In a perfect world, these positions would be opened to all qualified persons. In reality, however, there are major barriers for African American athletic administrators to overcome before they can join the ranks of Athletic Director. Barriers, such as bias hiring practices and policies, exist in intercollegiate athletics that have directly or indirectly resulted in an under-representation of African American athletic administrators. These barriers prohibit African American athletic administrators from advancing into the most senior role in intercollegiate administrative positions, the Athletic Director position.

Influential men in college have been making decisions that have directly affected African American in athletic administrations. This investigation focuses on the position of Athletic Director, which is dominated by white men, and finds the direct correlation between African Americans and the problems that they have encountered when pursuing senior level positions within athletic administration, specifically the position of Athletic Director. The goals of the investigation are to be informative, descriptive, and evaluative of the under-representation of African Americans Athletic Directors by uncovering an organizational culture rich in hypocrisy.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Division of Leisure, Youth and Human Services

First Advisor

Sam Lankford


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1 PDF file (45 pages)


