Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The purpose of this literature review of secondary data is to 1) Identify environmental factors such as oral health education, water fluoridation and sealant programs, access to dental insurance, and dental health workforce issues, that may contribute to poor oral health, and 2) Provide recommendations to reduce these barriers that are linked with oral health disparities among children in the United States and Iowa. This literature review concludes that there is a need to consider comprehensive, multiple approaches to address family and community determinants of oral health. Some of these strategies include simultaneous efforts, such as increasing the number of dental professionals, sharing duties between dentists and dental hygienists, developing specific loan repayment programs for dentists working in rural areas; improving Medicaid reimbursement rates for dentists; and implementing fluoridation, sealant and educational programs that target diverse and underserved populations. Parents, children, community, legislators, health providers, and the clients themselves need to work together to address dental health disparities and create effective oral health programs that promote the wellbeing of all sectors of society.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Division of Health Promotion and Education

First Advisor

Michele Devlin


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1 PDF file (27 pages)


