Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


This study used content analysis of a selected sample of 25 contemporary young adult fiction books published between 1990-2000, to determine if stepfamilies are portrayed accurately. Contemporary American families are less likely to endure as a traditional biological household. Novels read by young adults may not reflect these new realities. Findings indicate that in a majority of the titles stepparents are portrayed positively and they gave their stepchild time and flexibility to adapt to the stepfamily situation. Findings also revealed that the biological relationship was not more important than the marital relationship. There was insufficient data to prove that the relationship with the stepchild is more positive with the parent/stepparent with whom they live.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Curriculum and Instruction


Division of School Library Studies

First Advisor

Barbara Safford


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1 PDF file (v, 63 pages)
