Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The purpose of this research paper was to recognize Hanay Geiogamah's contributions to Native American ritual drama and how Geiogamah and his Native American drama incorporates the culture and rituals of Native Americans in the theatrical environment.

Hanay Geiogamah has a purpose in his plays to present and preserve living Indian traditions and to reveal the facts of Indian life in America today (Huntsman, "New" xi). This study refers to two plays written by Hanay Geiogamah: "Body Indian" and "49." In "Body Indian" Geiogamah explores dramatically the stereotypes that Euro-American society has established of the Native American as true and typical. "49" looks at the ritual and cultural aspects of Native American life.

Geiogamah represents the true Native American through the content of his plays and gives a true depiction of the Native American to his Native American audience. This research focused on the relationship between performance and ritualization, making art, play, shamanism, rites, and ceremonies.

Through studying Hanay Geiogamah and Native American ritual drama, we are more aware of the contributions each has made to twentieth century theatre. Furthermore, we are able to see the need to continue this cultural and historical theatre in our Euro-American society.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Theatre

First Advisor

Leonard Curtis


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