Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The specific problems investigated in this study were: what different material formats are most frequently utilized, how many non-text materials are utilized, and the range and mean average number of items per pupil of non-text materials utilized in home economics courses.

Based on the eighteen responding home economics teachers representing thirteen high schools in AEA 7, which is forty-six percent of the schools, the analysis of the resulting data yielded the following major findings:

1. Formats most frequently utilized in home economics instruction are books, transparencies, and filmstrips.

2. Seventy-five percent of the home economics nontext materials are obtained from school system sources.

J. The range of non-text materials is .2 to 4.5 items per pupil and the mean average is 1.3.

Although based on a small proportion of the total population and considering the limitations of the survey instrument, the overall results of this study indicated probable involvement of a media specialist at some level of media centers in obtaining non-text materials for home economics instructional use, even though the range and mean average of items per pupil is considerably low.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Library Science

First Advisor

Leah Hiland


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1 PDF file (iii, 31 pages)
