Graduate Research Papers

Establishing Standard Process Routings and Cost to Finish Castings at the John Deere Foundry


Graduate Research Paper (Electronic Copy Not Available)


Cost quoting and routing a casting's finishing process, beginning with blast, through chip and grind and ending up at prime paint is a difficult endeavor. Historically the John Deere Foundry Waterloo assigned that task to the Industrial Engineer in charge of all quoting. Since 2001 that mind set has changed, it has become a goal of the organization to route castings the most optimal way and cost all finishing processes, including secondary blast and reblast operations. Castings in the wheel, axle and frame family make up 60.2% of our annual tonnage. The substantial number makes it crucial to quote each finish operation as accurately as possible. A geometric comparison between print and pictures of the particular part family may not provide the exact cost or routing for that specific part's finishing processes, but it provides a better-cost quote that guessing. The geometric comparison and the family part cost model are excellent tools for an untrained employee who is trying to provide an accurate cost quote.

Year of Submission



Department of Industrial Technology

First Advisor

Yury Lerner


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