"Perceptions and Expectations of Rural and Urban Public School Principa" by Patricia Morin

Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The focus of this study is the perceptions and expectations of rural and urban public school principals toward school library media specialists and library programs. Both elementary and secondary principals in a three county area of Northwestern Illinois were targeted.

All 41 public school principals in Carroll, Jo Davies, and Stephenson counties were sent survey instruments containing 23 opinion statements taken from the "Guidelines for School Library Media Program Development," "Guidelines for Fulfilling Roles and Responsibilities," and "Guidelines for Facilities," in Information Power. Principals were instructed to choose I of 5 alternative opinions ranging from (essential) to (undesirable).

Surveys returned by mail to the researcher were analyzed to determine if I) principals perceive the library media's program's function is providing instructional resources and 2) if the library media specialist is perceived as not important in instructional and curriculum development.

Results of the study show that as stated, hypothesis one was supported, but that hypothesis two was not supported. The survey demonstrated that technology has not changed the perception of libraries away from resource providers. The survey also demonstrated that library media specialists are important in school curriculum development.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Curriculum and Instruction


Division of School Library Studies

First Advisor

Barbara R. Safford


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