Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


This study is an examination of the current mental health care services for sex trafficking survivors. Sex trafficking is a growing epidemic in the United States and the need for mental health care for survivors is growing. This study examines the mental health disorders and consequences survivors face due to prolonged trauma. This study also examines current shortterm and long-term interventions that are suggested in the literature for care for sex trafficking survivors. Additionally, this study explores any current mental health treatments and programs and looks at any current resources available to sex trafficking survivors. This study examines options for mental health treatments and programs not found in the literature and suggests options regarding sex trafficking policies and training of the healthcare workforce to spot signs and symptoms in potential sex trafficking survivors. Lastly, the study suggests collecting quantitative data regarding different therapy treatments to determine which is best for survivors in further research.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Health, Recreation, and Community Services

First Advisor

Julianne Gassman

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (43 pages)



File Format

