Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The importance of identifying the competencies needed by energy managers is reflected in the seriousness of the energy problem and the impact it has on the industrial setting. The newness and ambiguity of EM, coupled with the increasing importance of the concept, add to the need for identifying the necessary competencies required in managing energy.

Ideally, once these competencies are identified, they should be the focus of those educational curriculums designed to produce energy managers. Currently there are only 25 post-high school institutions in the U.S. that have energy management curriculums (The College Blue Book, 1981). Less than half of those schools award Bachelor degrees emphasizing EM. This, compounded by the need for comprehensive EM courses for practicing energy managers, indicates that there may be a void in this area of instruction (Harvey, 1930). This study may indirectly help fill that void.

Year of Submission

Summer 1983

Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Industrial Technology

First Advisor

M. Roger Betts


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Date Original

Summer 1983

Object Description

1 PDF file (v, 137 pages)



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