Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Gifted children possess many unique qualities, among which is the ability to read prior to direct instruction; this usually occurs in first grade at approximately six years of age. There are many more such children in the population than ordinarily assumed (Salzer, 1984). The incidence of early readers within the gifted population has been demonstrated in many studies. Perhaps the foremost study on gifted children was done by Terman (1925). His findings show that approximately 50% of the children in the group were early readers. This information has also been documented by others. Hollingsworth (1942) found 80% read before school. Price (1976) found 76% were early readers. Paul Witty (1968), who has conducted extensive research in the area, found 38% of the gifted children read by age five, some as early as three or four years of age. Many children who are early readers have IQ's in the gifted range. The relationship between IQ and reading is complex and centers on the question of whether early reading is caused by high IQ or whether a high IQ score is caused by early reading and related language abilities (Liston, 1980). Yet, given this relationship, reading instruction for gifted children 3 has been less than adequate.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Department of Curriculum and Instruction

First Advisor

Mary Nan Aldridge


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